L6 Rifle (5)Full unit name: L6 Rifle
Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:52
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (8)
The Thousand Steps (1) »
Elixir of Power (1) »
The Face of the Enemy (1) »
Clear Out Tythos Ridge (1) »
Pilgrim Medicine (1) »
Crisis in Galactic City (1) »
Destroying the War Droids (1) »
Secret Signals (1) »
See also
Organizations that used this weapon or equipment
Flesh Raider Forces
Migrant Merchants' Guild
Droid models that used this weapon or equipment
UNW-A01 Heavy Assassin Droid
Weapons that were designed based on this model
L6.1.1 Rifle
L6.1.3 Rifle
Complete list

Full unit name: L6 Rifle Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:52